A fundamental part of the work carried out by Assistance and Orientation for Human Mobility is to show in a transparent and open manner to institutions, private initiative, government, and general public the destination of the donations given and activities implemented by Asmovilidad.
We promote access to rights and services in favor of people who are in mobility contexts, so that they have the same opportunities for development and social integration through personalized attention mechanisms, community intervention, linkage with key actors, promotion and communication.
We seek to consolidate Asmovilidad AC as a close and efficient channel for the migrant and refugee community. The foregoing, through the participation of different actors who deal with the migratory phenomenon in a direct or transversal way.
We promote the positive recognition that migration brings for the welfare and economic, cultural and social development of the country. In such a way that the projects and actions carried out seek to contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) / Agenda 2030