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A fundamental part of the work carried out by Assistance and Orientation for Human Mobility is to show in a transparent and open manner to institutions, private initiative, government, and general public the destination of the donations given and activities implemented by Asmovilidad.


We promote access to rights and services in favor of people who are in mobility contexts, so that they have the same opportunities for development and social integration through personalized attention mechanisms, community intervention, linkage with key actors, promotion and communication.


We seek to consolidate Asmovilidad AC as a close and efficient channel for the migrant and refugee community. The foregoing, through the participation of different actors who deal with the migratory phenomenon in a direct or transversal way.


We promote the positive recognition that migration brings for the welfare and economic, cultural and social development of the country. In such a way that the projects and actions carried out seek to contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) / Agenda 2030

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Assistance and Guidance for Human Mobility, Asmovilidad A.C. Is an institution committed to transparency and good practices, that is why we provide information about our operation and how we use your donations. 
Learn more about our evaluation in


OSC Analizada

Legal Constitution and
Social Object

Assistance and Guidance for Human Mobility, Asmovilidad A.C. is a non-profit organization, legally constituted in accordance with Mexican laws, under Deed Number 98,145 (ninety-eight thousand one hundred forty-five), Volume Book 2,993 dated October 24, 2017, before the faith of the Notary Public Holder of the Notary Office No. 104 of Mexico City, Lic. José Ignacio Senties Laborde. The organization carries out activities related to the Federal Law for the Promotion of Activities Carried out by Civil Society Organizations

Social object. Its beneficiaries in each and every one of the assistance activities it carries out are people, sectors and regions with limited resources, vulnerable groups due to age, sex, disability problems or immigration status.
a) Social orientation, education and training for work
b) Support in the defense and promotion of human rights, including training, dissemination, guidance and legal assistance
c) Promotion of gender equality
d) Promotion of actions to improve the popular economy, including activities that include training in the development of trades, arts, skills and knowledge aimed at achieving self-employment.

Tax compliance

Authorization to receive donations deductible from Income Tax (ISR): On March 23, 2018, the General Administration of Taxpayer Services, Central Administration of Legal Support of Taxpayer Services, Administration of Legal Support of Taxpayer Services "5" issued Assistance and Guidance for Human Mobility, Asmobility B.C. authorization to receive deductible donations in terms of the Income Tax Law. 

Compliance with Transparency Obligation for Authorized Donees: To access information from 2020 onwards, go to: and uses the RFC: AOM171024CU6. You can only consult the completed fiscal year (not the current one), starting in June of each year. 

Opinion on compliance with tax obligations before the SAT: It is reported that on September 21, 2023 at 6:45 pm, a document issued p
or the Tax Administration Service with folio 23ND1024270 regarding Compliance with Tax Obligations,It is reported: In the institutional electronic controls of the Tax Administration Service, it is observed that at the time this review is carried out, the opinion of compliance with tax obligations, contained in the current Miscellaneous Tax Resolution. Therefore, this opinion of compliance with tax obligations is issued, in a POSITIVE sense. This opinion is not a record of the correctness of all taxes declared, for which the SAT reserves its verification powers provided for in the Federal Tax Code.


Annual Reports

If you have any questions about the information shared, please send us an email and we will gladly answer your questions.

Notice of Privacy

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